Monday, August 16, 2010

Friends are Friends Forever.

I have 4 girlfriends that I am sure that I will be able to call my friends when we're old and rocking in chairs on the front porches of our nursing homes. All of whom are from different parts of my life.
   The oldest friend I have has been one of my very dearest since Jr. Highschool. In 7th grade Ashley and I met at church. I was home schooled and she went to public school that year, but in 8th grade I was going to start going to the same school as her and needed someone to hang out with, and a friendship blossomed that year that I can't even put into words! Our 8th grade year would be the only year Ashley and I would have together in the same state as best buds forever, but that was enough. 8th grade is hard for a lot of people, for me in particular, but Ashley totally guided me through some very interesting drama situations. When we found out she'd be moving to CA before high school started, I was heart broken! We kept in touch for quite some time, she came to visit, I went to visit her. Luckily her grandma still lived here, so we got to hang out once a year or so all through high school, and even after. She was obviously a bridesmaid in my wedding, and I got the honor of recently standing with her in hers!

  My sanity during my Sophomore - Senior years was often provided by my friend Jenny. We met at church also, and as soon as we were introduced we were like 2 peas in a pod. People associated us together because our names were both Jenni(y), so, it was pretty much like destiny. We used to drive around, just to drive, we'd bum $5 for gas from one of our parents and just go wherever we wanted. One of our favorite past times was tee-peeing one of our youth sponsor's houses every new years, such good times! Jenny and I had a silent rift in our relationship a few years back. We never had a fight, but we disagreed on an issue that was un-bendable for either of us, and grew apart. For whatever reason, I one day I felt like I should send her a message just to let her know I missed her (which was weird because it had hit me like a brick wall that I really truly had missed her friendship and was sad that we'd not been in each other's lives for so long). I invited her over and we talked for quite a while. I had determined that I was super-wrong about the whole situation that had driven us to part ways. And she accepted my apology for being a total idiot. It was seriously as if we'd never lost touch, we went shopping a couple weeks later for hours with my daughter. And within 2 months of reconnecting, I got an invitation in the mail that led me to tears. She wanted me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I of course accepted! We've actually only hung out a hand full of times since her wedding over a year ago, but not because we've grown apart, just because life is busy. I don't worry at all about it, we'll chill when we chill :)

  Toward the end of my junior year of high school another lovely lady entered the realm of BFF. Sarah and I had known who each other were through a mutual friend for the first 2 and a half years of high school, but to be perfectly honest we just didn't like each other all that much. Neither of us knows 100% why, but oh well, doesn't matter now. I don't remember the actually turning point in our friendship, but I think it was a mutual hatred for our speech teacher... we got to talking about that, and found out we actually had quite a bit in common. Sarah and I ended up being such great friends that she flew out to TX to move me back from the horrid wretched place I spent my first semester of college and then we got an apartment and became roommates for about a year. Granted the roommate thing probably wasn't our best idea, as we had a bit of a rift there....but luckily we worked at the same place by the time she moved out, so we were able to mend that up pretty quick and stayed fairly close. Sarah has always been that friend that will tell me her opinion, even if I'm not gonna like it (and she'd usually be right). I just love it. She recently moved out of the state and I was way more sad about it than I thought I'd be. We hadn't really hung out outside of work except for our annual cookie bake off in a few years, and although we were definitely friends, I figured it would pretty much be business as usual. I was totally wrong, I miss having the possibility of hanging out. But! It is ok, she has an awesome blog that I can use to keep up with her world, she'll be back in 3 years, and we're still doing our annual bake off!

  The friend that has taken me by storm in my more adult life is Luchia. This girl....I just can't even explain. She has been probably the best advice giver I could have ever asked for. We bonded when I was pregnant with my daughter, I don't know exactly what got us talking, but I'm pretty sure that's about the time frame. We too have had times of not always hanging out or being visual BFF's, because of work hours or what not, but she and I will always be close I'm sure. We had really gotten to know each other quite a bit through her knowledge of kids and what to do and not to do with them, and when her dad passed away, I tried really hard to be the shoulder she could cry on whenever she needed. She's helped me through mom stuff, marriage stuff, daddy stuff, pet stuff, house stuff, work stuff, gosh just all kinds of stuff. Luchia and I could spend hours and hours just talking about stuff, and never get bored. That's what I absolutely love about her! Luckily, we now work pretty similar hours so we can talk about stuff just about any time! :)

  Those are my girls, I don't even have pictures of all of them and had to steal them off their websites! But that's the stuff that doesn't matter, it's the friendship that runs deeper than a camera flash :)
  I obviously have other friends worth talking about. My nertz night crew, Tina, Ivy, and Karen (and recently Fanny) are just a fantastic group of women who I would love to spend more time with. Karen I feel like I've known forever from youth group (being youth and sponsors together), Tina was my matron of honor and has been my mom-buddy for like 3 years, Ivy is not only Oakley's mommy, but a fantastic florist, gamer, target shopper, and all around super fun girl to hang out with.
   Becca, my sister in law is near and dear to my heart, more so than I think she knows.
  And of course my mom, she's a friend like no other :)
  Many many more I'm sure, and hopefully more to come in my future. My group of friends is relatively small, but they mean so much to me, words can't even express!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Hair!

So, I've always had insanely curly hair and usually wore it in a bun on top of my head because it was such a pain to do anything with. But, 2 weeks ago I decided I was over it and wanted a change. So I grabbed some scissors and a straightening iron and went to work, haven't turned back since, and don't plan to! Woo Hoo! Hair I can play with!

Monday, August 2, 2010



Who Knew!?!?

I've never claimed to be any kind of domestic. I can pretty much mess up any recipe you put in front of me, but one day my sister in law brought over the CUTEST cookie bouquet for Emma. I was inspired, so I asked her to show me the way of the awesome. We decided for Valentines Day we would make them for our moms. So here are my first ones:

Then I decided to make some for people at work:

Then I made some for a church bake sale:

So, I guess I can be a little domestic! :)


Emma: "Where's the moon mom"
Mommy: " It's morning baby, the moon isn't out"
Emma: gasp "Daddy took it"
Mommy: laughing
Emma: "silly silly daddy!"
Mommy: What's your brother's name?
Emma: 2
Mommy: Your brother's name is 2?
Emma: PLEASE MOM? Can we have 2 of them? A sister and a brother?
Mommy: ummmm..... no.
Emma: my tummy hurts
Daddy: did you drink too much smoothie?
Emma: yeah (continues drinking smoothie)
Daddy: are you going to stop drinking the smoothie
Emma: no
Mommy: Emma, your brother is getting big
Emma: In your belly mommy? does it hurt?
Mommy: no baby it doesn't hurt
Emma: what are you doing mommy?
Mommy: watching your brother move
Emma: (pulls her shirt up and watches her belly) I got my sister in there!
Mommy: You have a sister in your belly?
Emma: Yeah, she's so big!
Daddy: I want Dunkin Donuts
Emma: We're gonna get Papa's Donuts!
Daddy: Where's a Dunkin Donuts
Mommy: I have no idea
Emma: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What are we gonna do?!?!?
mommy: give me a hug!
Emma: Don't mess with me, I'm crazy!
Grandpa Randy told Emma she is a Bozo, so she logically responds, “No, I’m a Robot”, they go back and forth for a minute or so, and finally Emma gives the winning blow…. “yeah, well, you’re fat!”
Emma is at Grandpa John’s house and Grandma JoAnn said something funny, so Emma said to grandpa, Grandma Joann is Funny! and Grandpa Responds, “Am I funny”, Emma: “yep, you’re funny”, is your grandma Bobbie funny” Emma: “yep, she’s funny”, is your grandpa Randy funny?” Emma stops for a minute and thinks…. “he’s funny looking”!
I’m doing number flashcards with Emma, we’re on card number 2, and she keeps guessing 14, 16, 14, 16... etc. etc so I respond “Emma, if you guess 14 or 16 one more time I’m going to loose my mind!” Emma thinks for a second, and looks at me with devious eyes, and says “14.…16.…..did you loose your mind? huh?”
Daddy: "Let's play the quiet game Emma", Emma: "No daddy, we need to play the Loud game!"
Emma: “I don’t want a grilled cheese, I want a sandwich”
Daddy: “That is a sandwich, it’s a grilled cheese sandwich”
Emma: “No it’s not! It’s a grilled cheese!”

Daddy: “I’m dead” (referring to tired)
Emma: “Mommy, did you kill daddy?”

Mommy: You just wiped your hands on my pants
Emma: Go in your closet
Mommy: What?
Emma: Go in your closet and get new pants

Mommy: "What did you do today?" Emma: "I ate an apple and fell asleep at grandma's house, and then my prince came and woke me up, my prince is Papa"

Tonight you asked me “who is God” so I said “God made the world, and everything and everyone in it, he keeps us safe and loves us, and gives us everything we have” and you replied (gasp) “he gives us shoes!”

Mommy: "Are you listening?" Emma: "yes", Mommy: "to me?", Emma: "To the voices in my head!"

Emma: Mommy scared me out of crap!


In March 09, Ben and I decided we didn't want Emma to grow up a single child, and we'd love to have another one. In April, we found out we were preggers, and I have to admit, I think some people were a little scared for me to be pregnant again. This time wasn't so bad though, I made a conscious effort to be a better person this time :) Emma wanted a brother and a sister, and I prayed quite often that she wouldn't get what she wanted (I don't do that often). If there were twins in there, I might not have been able to hold back that horrible person that comes out when there's a little nugget in my belly. Zack was born in December 09. He was another perfect baby! He was a planned cesarian, since Emma had been a C-Section I was so excited I didn't have to push any 8 lb children out! He's right where he should be devlopmentally and totally lights up my world! He's so happy, and just absolutely perfect.


I never knew I wanted kids before I had Emma. In 06, Ben and I had decided that he would probably join the military. He was inquiring with a recuiter, etc. etc. It was a total gift from God that we found out we were pregnant before he actually signed anything. I was by far the worst pregnant person ever! I didn't have any complications (besides shingles, which was actually just more of an inconvenience) but I was a total butthead to everyone. I don't really remember most of the things I did, but I've been told by almost everyone that I was just generally rude. Weird! Anywho, Emma was born in April of 07, She was AMAZING! By far the best thing that ever happened to me. She was a perfect 8lb 5oz baby, no issues whatsoever. She's now a 3 year old hilarious genius. She cracks me up and amazes me every day. Emma has always been far ahead of what the average person her age was doing. At 3, she can write small words, can write all her letters and numbers, is starting to do basic math, speaks like an adult, picks up on things like crazy, and can solve just about any reasonable puzzle you put in front of her. Her best friends are Caleb and Oakley, who are both 3 months older than Emma). She loves her friends, her mommy and daddy, and most of all her baby brother Zack!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Ben is my love. We started dating when I was 16. It was kind of funny how we really started dating...we were both dating other people, but we were forced to hang out with eachother at a youth camp and really started to get to know each other. We were at a lake for camp, hanging out outside all day every day, and I'm fair skinned, and burn VERY easily, so I hung out in an RV from the moment we got there. Ben is very active and literally butted heads with another youth on the first day while playing football or something (he has a knarly scar). He had a concussion and stitches, so he was secluded in the RV with me! We had been friends for a long time, but this week there was something else that sparked. It took about 6 months, but we eventually started dating and I knew he was the one, for sure! We got married in 2004 at our church and now have a fantastic little family (and it shall stay that way!)


I'm Jenni. I'm a christian, wife, mom, supervisor, and all around simple girl. I totally love Jesus, my family, my job, my youth, friends, and life in general. I have a 3 year old daughter, Emma, and a 7 month old son, Zack. My hubby, Ben, is a super awesome daddy and great hub. I work closely with the youth at my church, and have an amazing group of friends whom I love dearly! I'm pretty simple, but sometimes life is absolutely hilarious, so I figure I'll write about it :)